Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well it looks like i am going to be using this blog so much more than i ever imagined... if you ask me i can't tell you how i feel cuz no matter what i say or why it will end up hurting someone.
That leads me into the topic of this message, in the past weeks i have talked to so many good friends about problems with relationships and dealing with the opposite sex... and it all leads to the question, why do we feel the need to connect ourselves on so many levels to another person? You can't use the time old saying that it is just for our happiness, I would be able to present you with example after example of evidence to the contrary! We as humans yes are a social being but why does it have to really go any deeper than that? Are people that constantly search for a new partner and go through boyfriend/girlfriends like the rest of us toilet paper, really happier? I would have to say NO!
I Propose this...why can't we all just be friends and have it stay at that? Honestly it is when one or the other tries to move it to the next level that people start to get hurt... So why try? until you have really found the one that you are ready to spend the rest of your life with, and they are sure of the same, what do you hope to accomplish? Take it from experience you are just going to be burned and there is no way around that.
You'll soon find that the only reason you are doing it is to satisfy you physical needs which for people of our age seem so scream louder than our own voice! Anyone will tell you and i agree whole heartedly that something based on such an uncontrollable urge is asking for heartache.
Keep a very tight leash on your emotions and take the time to smell the roses. After all once you take jealousy, love, and infatuation out of the picture, we can be safe to trust our own judgment. We will be able to see people for who they really are and it will be very easy to step back and look at the situation from a third person. No one gets hurt and people can hopefully find their true love with their heart semi intact.
I'm sure i'll update or delete this blog someday when it is not four in the morning but take it for what it is.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hehe I love music! i just finished for the second time the song "Gives you Hell" by the all american rejects and it is awesome! When i first heard it on the radio i loved it cuz in a way i was singing it to every girl that had ever messed with me and to that it still hold strong; however after watching the music video on youtube i have extended it to anyone that at some point in time i may have been jealous of or felt just not quite as cool...but come on world lets face it who is a cool as me? I mean this is Roy we are talking about >;-)

My First

You know blogging really has never appealed to me, in fact i very rarely find anything that interest me enough to keep reading. However for some reason the idea has been getting more and more appealing... not cuz i want everyone to read it and think something about me but rather just the ability to write whatever the heck i want is pretty cool.
I really can't say that my blogs are going to follow pattern in particular but i read two of my friends blogs and i have alot of ideas for things to write! Hey and if my stuff sucks or is too long let me know and i'll try to take your criticism in a constructive way and write something that is more to your liking.